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Advisory Spotlight: Big Picture Living Garden at MetWest
Interested in starting a community garden at your school but unsure where to begin? Leticia Rivera, MetWest High School Garden Steward...
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Advisory Spotlight: Building a Healthy Life with Nashville Big Picture High School
Nashville Big Picture High School is rooted in love with a culture of kindness. Since 2007, the school has helped students pursue their...
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Advisor Spotlight: Healthy Living Takes Root at Odyssey STEM Academy
“I consider each of the 6 BP Living Measures to be a branch from the trunk of our existing teaching. The roots of each of these measures...
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Advisory Spotlight: Launching the Big Picture Living Challenge at North Bay Met Academy
2021 is going to be the year of Big Picture Living at the North Bay Met Academy Shannan Johnson and Diana Rudesill at North Bay Met...
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Advisory Spotlight: Get Outside with The MET in Providence, RI
From school-wide camping trips to student-run podcasts and school in the park, Andrew Coburn at The MET High School in Providence, Rhode...
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